As you know for the past 9 weeks, every Monday Linda at
Studio L3 posts a new Compendium of Curiosity challenge. This Monday was no different and since I KNEW I had a busy week I planned on completing the challenge on Monday night. It didn't happen. I did FINALLY finish the project, just a little later than I wanted.
Week 9's challenge can be found on page 42, Distress Crackle. This week instead of an ATC, I went in a different direction!
I tried taking pictures in the studio of the completed project, but they were not very good. This morning I took my "masterpiece" and headed outside for some natural lighting. I was just about finished with the photos when I heard a noise that sounded very close to my ears. I looked up and saw a shadow of a hummingbird on the house. When I (slowly) turned around she was only a couple feet away. I tried to get a picture of her, but she was too fast. After a short time, she flew to a branch and sat. I tried getting a picture of her sitting there watching me. Even with a 10x zoom she blended in with the trees too much. Then she took off again to come "distract" me, but only now she had help! There were 2 hummingbirds flying around me. I managed to get my camera on burst shooting, but still didn't get a good picture (didn't think about changing to action shots until I was typing this!) She went back to original branch and sat and watched. Then he decided to sit on a branch that was much lower and I was able to get a picture!
I looked around, but didn't see a nest, but I am sure there must have been one nearby because normally hummingbirds do not usually get as close as these two were to me! Thankfully, they didn't get any closer or I might have nightmares (a la Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds") lol
Oh, I did manage to get a picture of my project too!
The wood frame is from Ikea that I painted with acrylic paint, after that dried I followed page 42 using Broken China and Peeled Paint Distress Crackles. On the ship's wheel I used Weathered Wood Distress Crackle. The seaweed is again leftover scraps from Charlene's journal and the sand is from MuddPuddles. The Mermaid image is a Microsoft Office Clipart, it's hard to tell in the photo but I used Sakura Glaze pens on her hair, clam shells and scales. On her necklace I used Stickles. She is cut out and mounted on foam tape.
Have a fabulous weekend! I know I will - my youngest daughter is coming home with her fiance and my future darling grandkids and we will be celebrating their engagement with family and friends!
Take care
PS As I wait INPATIENTLY for my daughter to arrived I was checking out blogs and realized my frame will work for the
Gingersnap Creations Challenge 66: Paint since Distress Crackle is a type of paint! I LOVE it when one project works for multiple challenges!